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BookStack is a simple, self-hosted, and open-source wiki platform for organizing and storing information.


BookStack is a free and open-source, self-hosted wiki platform designed for easy organization and storage of information. Its intuitive interface prioritizes simplicity, featuring a WYSIWYG editor and a clear structure of Books, Chapters, and Pages. The platform offers powerful features including full-text search across all content, the ability to link to specific paragraphs, and customizable configurations such as logo and registration options. BookStack supports multiple languages, markdown editing, integrated authentication with various providers, and robust security features like multi-factor authentication. It's built using PHP and Laravel, making it relatively easy to install and maintain, and runs efficiently even on low-resource servers.


Key features include a simple and intuitive WYSIWYG editor, a hierarchical structure for organizing information (Books, Chapters, Pages), full-text search functionality, and robust linking capabilities. BookStack allows for easy customization, including the ability to change the system name and logo, manage user registration, and control public visibility. It also provides support for multiple languages, optional markdown editing, integrated authentication with various providers (including social logins and enterprise options), a built-in diagrams.net integration, and essential security features like multi-factor authentication and granular role-based permissions.


BookStack offers numerous benefits, including its ease of use and intuitive interface, reducing the learning curve for users. The platform's open-source nature and self-hosting capabilities provide enhanced control and security over your data. The powerful search and linking features improve information accessibility and workflow efficiency. The platform's flexibility through configuration options and multi-language support makes it adaptable to various needs and diverse user groups. Finally, the active community and readily available support resources ensure help is always at hand.

