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cAdvisor is a container resource usage monitor providing detailed insights into container performance and resource allocation.


cAdvisor (Container Advisor) is a daemon that monitors and analyzes resource usage and performance of containers. It collects detailed data on resource isolation parameters, historical resource usage, and network statistics for individual containers and the entire machine. This information is then exported, providing insights into container behavior. It offers native support for Docker containers and is designed to support other container types. cAdvisor presents its findings through a web UI and a REST API. Its hierarchical container abstraction allows for monitoring of nested containers.


Resource usage monitoring of running containers. Data collection on CPU, memory, network, and disk I/O. Historical data tracking for analysis. Container-level and machine-wide statistics. Web UI for visualization and exploration of data. REST API for programmatic access to data. Support for nested containers. Extensible through storage plugins for various data destinations. Open-source and actively maintained.


Improved container resource management. Enhanced troubleshooting and performance optimization. Detailed insights into container resource usage. Support for various container runtimes. Provides data for capacity planning. Facilitates efficient resource allocation. Supports both web UI and REST API for data access. Easy integration with existing container monitoring systems. Ability to export collected data to various storage plugins.

