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A customizable and easily deployable PHP-based startpage application running in Docker.


The "docker-php-startpage" project is a PHP-based startpage application designed to run within a Docker container. It provides a customizable and easily deployable solution for a personalized homepage. The project utilizes a simple configuration file for user customization, allowing users to add custom links, sections and themes. The project is open-source, with the source code available on GitHub and the Docker image hosted on Docker Hub. It supports both light and dark themes, and provides different views for desktop and mobile devices. The project is actively maintained, with ongoing improvements and bug fixes.


The application runs a PHP-based startpage inside a Docker container. It offers customization via a config.json file (with planned upgrade to config.php). The design is responsive for both desktop and mobile. It includes light and dark themes. The project is hosted on GitHub and Docker Hub for easy access and contribution. It is built using PHP, Twig, and Docker. It's MIT licensed. The project's architecture is primarily focused on enabling users to rapidly set up and run a personalized start page, with a simple configuration mechanism.


Easy deployment and management using Docker. Customization options to personalize the startpage. Lightweight and efficient design. Open-source and community-driven development. Cross-platform compatibility (Linux, AMD64, ARM64, ARMv7). Mobile-responsive design for optimal viewing experience. Supports both light and dark themes for user preference.

