GOOD is an ad-free, privacy-focused search engine that supports social and environmental projects.
GOOD is an ad-free, independent web search engine committed to social and environmental responsibility. Unlike other search engines, GOOD is free from commercial interests and Big Tech influence, ensuring unbiased and neutral search results. It prioritizes user privacy and anonymity, collecting no user data or search history. Furthermore, GOOD is a sustainable and socially committed enterprise; a portion of its revenue supports innovative projects aligned with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), promoting a better world. It offers browser extensions and mobile apps for convenient use. GOOD's mission is to provide a search experience that is beneficial to users, society, and the environment.
GOOD's core features include an ad-free search experience; independent search results not influenced by Big Tech; complete user privacy and anonymity with no tracking or data collection; a commitment to sustainability and social responsibility; support for various innovative projects addressing the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); availability as browser extensions and mobile apps; and transparent financial disclosures.
Users enjoy an unbiased and neutral search experience, free from the influence of advertising or commercial interests. GOOD protects user privacy by not tracking search history or collecting personal data. Searching with GOOD supports socially responsible initiatives dedicated to positive global impact, aligned with UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It promotes a more diverse and less monopolistic digital landscape by being independent from major tech companies. By using GOOD, you help fund social projects that work towards environmental sustainability. The search engine itself operates with a carbon-neutral footprint.
- Open Source: ❌
- European: ✅
- Country: DE