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Virtuozzo OnApp

Virtuozzo OnApp is a comprehensive, cost-effective cloud platform providing IaaS, PaaS, and KaaS, simplifying cloud management and deployment for businesses.


Virtuozzo OnApp is a comprehensive cloud platform offering Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Kubernetes as a Service (KaaS), along with Database as a Service and high-performance S3-compatible object storage. It provides a cost-effective and easy-to-use alternative to hyperscale cloud solutions, empowering businesses to build and manage their cloud infrastructure efficiently. The platform supports automated scaling, clustering, and CI/CD for enhanced DevOps workflows and offers multi-cloud management capabilities for unified application management. Virtuozzo OnApp is built on OpenStack, ensuring robust and reliable performance, and is trusted by numerous cloud providers worldwide.


OpenStack-based IaaS with flexible pricing models (pay-as-you-go or instance-based). Elastic, container-based PaaS with automated scaling and CI/CD. High-performance KaaS with automated provisioning and updates. Automated database provisioning, clustering, and scaling. Scalable S3-compatible object storage. Multi-cloud management capabilities for unified application management. User-friendly interface and simplified management tools.


Reduced costs compared to hyperscale cloud providers. Simplified cloud management and deployment. Increased efficiency through automation of scaling, clustering, and CI/CD. Enhanced flexibility and scalability to meet evolving business needs. Improved operational efficiency with unified application management across multiple clouds. OpenStack-based platform for robust and reliable performance. Access to a range of services including IaaS, PaaS, KaaS, Database as a Service, and high-performance object storage. Strong support and a proven track record with multiple successful customer implementations.

